Alessandro Butera: From Art Dealer to Internationally Successful Spatialist Artist

Alessandro Butera: A Life in Art, between Commerce, Creation, and Global Success

Alessandro Butera's story is one of a passion that has been able to transform itself and find new ways of expression. As journalist and writer Gianluca Tantillo recounted in his article "The fairy tale of the baker from Brancaccio who became an artist" (Balarm), Butera began as a baker. But before dedicating himself completely to artistic creation, Butera gained fundamental experience: starting in 1992, and for 22 years, he worked as a high-level art dealer, operating throughout Italy.

This long parenthesis in the art trade was not a "detour", but an essential part of his training. It allowed him to get to know important artists closely, to study their techniques, to understand the dynamics of the market.

In 2014, the passion for art became uncontainable. Butera decided to create, not just to sell. He began to paint and sculpt, self-taught, but with a base of knowledge and experience that few artists can boast.

His research turned towards the Spatialism of Lucio Fontana. Butera defines himself as "a spatialist with the need, from time to time, to liberate instinctiveness through informal abstraction". This is why, alongside the spatialist works of the "Italian Style" series (extroflexions, bas-reliefs, sculptures, also with LED light), we find the informal works of the "Abstraction" series, and the "Jazz" series.

Butera's success is not limited to exhibitions. He has sold over 1000 works online, reaching collectors in all five continents. He has exhibited at important art fairs, including Monte Carlo and Bologna, as well as holding exhibitions throughout Sicily. His art has also been featured in the prestigious magazine DOOR of La Repubblica (GEDI group). His anthological exhibition "2017 - 2022 Viaggio alla ricerca della bellezza" (in Palermo) marked an important moment.

"Art is a continuous exploration," says Butera.


Alessandro Butera Italian Art Atelier since 2014

Alessandro Butera Italian Art Atelier since 2014