Welcome to my new blog

Posted by alessandro butera on

In many years of activity I have gained various experiences, both in the world of sales of works of art by listed artists, and as an independent artist. Unfortunately, however, this commitment has not been sufficient to fully understand and face the world of online sales. I learn day by day the most suitable strategies, discovering new technological means and new opportunities useful to my profession. Making my works known online is a complex and slow process, you must be familiar with social media, general and sector marketplaces, with online auctions and with SEO, and search engines etc. etc. In short, nothing further from the pure creative and intellectual activity of the artist. With these new tools I hope to have found the simplest and most direct way to have my say on contemporary abstract art and in particular on art extroflexions, bringing the work to the center of attention with its set of technical and ethical values ​​and contents.

I welcome you to my blog and inform you that, with this new tool, I will try to express, just like a captain does, sailing new and unexplored territories, the experiences and adventures that I will find myself living. By writing down these experiences in my new ideal logbook, I will try to describe what happens to me during the exploration of new territories, describing my emotions, reasoning and intuitions that I face day by day in the studio during the creation of my works.